5 Október 2024
Spain's PM Sanchez: Spain will not recognise any changes to 1967 borders unless agreed by all parties - @Reuters
Sánchez potvrdzuje „pevný záväzok" Španielska voči Ukrajine a vyzdvihuje niekoľko oblastí: Ukrajine budú poskytnuté nástroje na jej obranu. Humanitárna, finančná podpora, pomoc pri rekonštrukcii. Vojenský záväzok vo výške jednej miliardy eur na posilnenie svojich spôsobilostí
Zelenskyj po stretnutí so Sánchezom v Moncloa: "Španielsko je spoľahlivý partner a pomohlo nám brániť sa od prvého dňa ruskej kriminálnej agresie. Španielsko nezatváralo oči."
Ukrajinský prezident Zelenskyj pricestoval na návštevu Španielska
Španielsko dodá Ukrajine zbrane za viac ako 1,1 miliardy eur. Bude zahŕňať druhú sériu protilietadlových rakiet Patriot, ktoré pribudnú k pol tuctu už dodaných v apríli, 19 renovovaných tankov Leopard 2A4, veľkú sériu 155-milimetrových delostreleckých granátov.
Spanish Defense Minister: The Gaza war is a real genocide
Israel's Netanyahu: Plan by some European countries to recognise a Palestinian state is prize for terrorism - @Reuters
The Israeli Foreign Ministry summons its ambassador to Madrid for consultations
4 Mesiac Pred
The Secretary-General of the Arab League calls on countries that do not recognize Palestine to follow the example of Norway, Ireland and Spain
4 Mesiac Pred
Arab League: The recognition of the State of Palestine by Norway, Ireland and Spain is a positive development
Ireland has now announced their Official Recognition of a Palestinian State, with Spain also said to be following the lead of Ireland and Norway on May 28th
Spanish Prime Minister: Netanyahu continues to destroy Gaza
Javier Milei: Argentina will not adopt diplomatic measures in reciprocity in the face of "the antics" of Pedro Sánchez
Spain 'definitively' withdraws ambassador to Argentina: foreign minister
Spain asks Milei to rectify, calls the ambassador in Buenos Aires for consultations and demands a public apology
Spain ministry confirms 3 tourists killed in Afghanistan were Spanish
EU's foreign minister says Spain, Ireland and other European Union member countries plan to recognise a Palestinian state on May 21, ahead of an expected UN vote today on a Palestinian bid to become a full member
Spain PM Sanchez will stay in office, after considering resigning over an investigation of his wife
Spanish PM Sanchez to announce at 1000 GMT if he is quitting: official
Alberto Núñez Feijóo appears at the PP headquarters after Sánchez's announcement to consider his resignation
Spanish Prime Minister @sanchezcastejon says Israel's "disproportionate" response in Gaza threatens the stability of the Middle East and the world
Spanish Prime Minister: Recognizing a Palestinian state is a "geopolitical interest for Europe"
Prime Minister of Spain: Israel must clarify the circumstances of the attack on World Kitchen employees as soon as possible
Ukrajinský prezident Zelenskyj uskutočnil konštruktívny a zmysluplný telefonický rozhovor s predsedom vlády Španielskeho kráľovstva Pedrom Sanchezom6 Mesiac Pred
Ukrajinský prezident Zelenskyj uskutočnil konštruktívny a zmysluplný telefonický rozhovor s predsedom vlády Španielskeho kráľovstva Pedrom Sanchezom
Spain has agreed with Ireland, Malta and Slovenia leaders to take the first steps towards recognizing a Palestinian state, PM Sanchez said on Friday following a meeting of the European Council in Brussels
6 Mesiac Pred
Agence France-Presse: A Spanish aid ship was spotted off Gaza City
6 Mesiac Pred
Spain's prime minister says he will propose that parliament recognizes a Palestinian state
Concentration of tractors and farmers in the Center of Madrid
Farmers report that they are not allowed to leave Torrejón de la Calzada
7 Mesiac Pred
Pilota Maksima Kuzminova, ktorý utiekol z Ruska na Ukrajinu s vrtuľníkom Mi-8AMTSh, zastrelili v Španielsku 13.