5 Október 2024
Španielsky premiér Pedro Sanchez pricestoval do Kyjeva1 Rok Pred
Španielsky premiér Pedro Sanchez pricestoval do Kyjeva
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Shots were fired in an incident at Eastern Beach involving Spanish Customs officers & suspected smugglers. One of the Spanish officers was reportedly seriously injured when a stone was thrown at his face. The police & army searched with metal detectors, we think for bullets
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An RGP operation has been ongoing at Eastern Beach following what appears to be an "incident" with a Spanish Customs vessel. There are reports shots were fired and GBC understands police have been searching the beach for any bullets
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Speech of the Moroccan Prime Minister during talks with his Spanish counterpart
A man with a criminal record kills his partner and her 8-year-old daughter in Valladolid. The perpetrator would have called his brother-in-law to notify him of the double murder perpetrated with a knife
Americkí a európski predstavitelia majú podozrenie, že ruská rozviedka nariadila etnicko-nacionalistickej skupine, aby poslala bomby do Španielska tamojším vodcom a americkým a ukrajinským diplomatom
Spanish police said Tuesday they had seized a boat carrying 4.4 tonnes of hashish off southern Spain and arrested its two British crew who were allegedly headed for Latin America
Španielske médiá: nález výbušného balíka na ukrajinskom veľvyslanectve v Madride
Na americkom veľvyslanectve v Madride objavili šiestu listovú bombu
Na ministerstve obrany Španielska odhalili ďalší podozrivý balík
Španielsky minister vnútra nariadil sprísniť bezpečnostné opatrenia vo verejných a diplomatických zariadeniach po objavení série výbušných balíkov
Španielske úrady odhalili výbušný balík adresovaný španielskemu premiérovi Pedrovi Sánchezovi
Objavili nový podozrivý list adresovaný satelitnému centru na leteckej základni Torrejón
Španielsko: Na vojenskej základni Torrejón de Ardoz našli tretí výbušný balík po listových bombách zaslaných ukrajinskému veľvyslanectvu a zbrojárskej spoločnosti v Zaragoze
Spox ukrajinského ministerstva zahraničných vecí @OlegNikolenko_ povedal, že výbušné zariadenie skryté v obale vybuchlo na ukrajinskom veľvyslanectve v Madride. 1 zamestnanec zranený; nie život ohrozujúce. FM @DmytroKuleba nariadil posilnenie bezpečnosti na všetkých ukrajinských ambasádach a požiadal Španielsko, aby urýchlene vyšetrilo výbuch
Na ukrajinskom veľvyslanectve v Madride došlo k výbuchu, pri ktorom sa zranila najmenej jedna osoba, informovalo španielske ministerstvo vnútra.
Španielsky minister obrany: Poskytneme Ukrajine dva dodatočné systémy protivzdušnej obrany Hawk na boj proti ruským silám
19 arrested and 7 'indoor' marijuana plantations dismantled in San Blas-Canillejas and Coslada
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Police officers redirecting traffic at the bottom of Europa Road & start of Prince Edward's Road
Yesterday, 2 national police officers and a civil guard were arrested in Seville in an operation against drug trafficking as part of a criminal organization with 360 kilos of cocaine seized
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UK national arrested on suspicion of possession of firearm following incident at Western Beach
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Developing situation in area of Eroski/Western Beach, with police officers on scene. Customers at Eroski were not allowed to leave for around 20 mins. We'll bring you more information as we get it
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Developing situation in area of Eroski/Western Beach, with @RGPolice officers on scene. Customers at Eroski were not allowed to leave for around 20 mins. We'll bring you more information as we get it
The Egyptian army is conducting a joint naval exercise with the United States and Spain in the Mediterranean
A major wildfire in the Valencian municipality of Bejís that has already destroyed vast swathes of land gathered pace again on Thursday night despite heavy rainfall, as another fire started on Friday inside a nearby natural park
Fires: the smell of burnt forests in Portugal reaches Madrid
Spanish firefighters on Saturday struggled to contain wildfires that have ravaged large tracts in the northwest, as a third summer heat wave grips the country
Spain prosecutors call for eight-year prison sentence for Shakira over tax fraud
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.@RGPolice confirms that road between Both Worlds and mosque will remain closed this afternoon and overnight due to fire, with situation to be reassessed in morning
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Gas supply from Algeria to Spain suspended due to a breakdown