20 September 2024
Venezuela announces the arrest of two Spaniards for an alleged plot against President Maduro
Madrid Meeting Statement on the Palestinian Issue: We call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages and detainees
Spaniens försvarsminister kallar Maduros regering en "diktatur" och hyllar venezuelaner som har flytt
Pedro Sánchez demands to have "room for mediation" with Venezuela in response to Congress's request to recognize Edmundo González. "Asylum is still a gesture of humanity, of humanitarian commitment of Spanish society"
Spain's Congress meets to vote on a Popular Party initiative seeking to recognize Edmundo González as the winner of the Venezuelan elections
Edmundo González after seeking asylum in Spain: "I did it so that things would change and we could build a new era for Venezuela. You know that I have always defended the democratic values of peace and freedom"
Edmundo González after seeking asylum in Spain: "My commitment is not based on personal ambition, this decision is a gesture that reaches out to everyone and I hope that it is reciprocated as such"
1 vecka sedan
Opposition sources confirm to Caracas Chronicles that Edmundo González Urrutia was granted a safe passage by the Maduro government and left the country after being granted asylum in Spain. He is currently flying to Madrid
Spain rejects "any attempt to curtail the fundamental rights" of Edmundo González after the arrest warrant
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, confirmed on August 26 that Spain will not recognize the electoral victory of Maduro or the opposition in Venezuela until the minutes of the elections are verified.
1 månad sedan
Spain: very significant increase in arrivals of illegal migrants in the Canaries
1 månad sedan
The head of the TUI tourism group expressed understanding of protests against mass tourism on the Spanish island of Mallorca
1 månad sedan
Footballer Lamine Yamal's father was stabbed in Spain: Mossos d'Esqudra arrested three suspects for the attack
Ministers from Chile and Spain discuss the need for a "democratic solution" in Venezuela
1 månad sedan
Ex-Catalan leader Puigdemont returning to Belgium after escaping from police
1 månad sedan
The Mossos deny any agreement with Puigdemont and argue that their priority was full
1 månad sedan
Catalan police have locked down Barcelona in a bid to capture separatist leader Carles Puigdemont, who briefly reappeared this morning to address supporters in the city before vanishing
1 månad sedan
Ex-Catalonia President Carles Puigdemont returns to Spain after 7 years on exile
Hundreds of Venezuelans protest in Madrid against Maduro and demand to recognize Edmundo González
Brazil and Spain insist that the acts of the elections in Venezuela be presented
The Governments of Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Holland, Poland and Portugal publish a joint statement: - They demand that Maduro prove his victory. They claim that the opposition already has 80% of the minutes. - They ask to stop the persecution1 månad sedan
The Governments of Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Holland, Poland and Portugal publish a joint statement: - They demand that Maduro prove his victory. They claim that the opposition already has 80% of the minutes. - They ask to stop the persecution
The VOX party demands the immediate release of the Spanish journalist Cake Minuesa, detained in Venezuela
ABC of Spain: the US will sanction Maduro again if he illegally clings to power in Venezuela
Spanish justice summons Pedro Sánchez as a witness in the corruption case against his wife
1 månad sedan
An arrestee for alleged rape in Malaga of a young foreigner in the doorway of her house
AFP: All Spanish airports suffer from a global information failure
Ukrainas president träffade Spaniens premiärminister Sanchez och Sloveniens premiärminister Golob, säkerhetsavtal mellan Ukraina och Slovenien undertecknat2 månad sedan
Ukrainas president träffade Spaniens premiärminister Sanchez och Sloveniens premiärminister Golob, säkerhetsavtal mellan Ukraina och Slovenien undertecknat
2 månad sedan
Police detained 4 suspects - 3 in Spain and 1 in Germany - as part of an investigation into the sale of drone parts to Hezbollah
2 månad sedan
Documents found on body in Tenerife were Jay Slater's, say officials in latest update
Spanien levererar ett nytt militärpaket för Ukraina, som inkluderar 10 Leopard 2A4-stridsvagnar och ett betydande antal pansarvärnsraketer