5 Oktobris 2024
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Massive floods due to intense rains in the Guadamur of Toledo province, Spain
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A number of injuries were recorded among British tourists after a cruise ship, which was carrying them, collided with a cargo ship on the Spanish island of Mallorca, located in the Mediterranean Sea, as a result of the severe storms that hit the island.
Spain- The Arafo fire is  of control and already affects more than more then 800 hectares in Tenerife. Mass evacuations are happening.1 gads atpakaļ
Spain- The Arafo fire is of control and already affects more than more then 800 hectares in Tenerife. Mass evacuations are happening.
Spanish island of Tenerife  - The Arafo fire is  out of control  and already affects more than 800 hectares in Tenerife.1 gads atpakaļ
Spanish island of Tenerife - The Arafo fire is out of control and already affects more than 800 hectares in Tenerife.
Massive forest fire in Tenerife village of Spain  (16.08.2023) Spain1 gads atpakaļ
Massive forest fire in Tenerife village of Spain (16.08.2023) Spain
Massive forest fire in Tenerife village of Spain  (16.08.2023)1 gads atpakaļ
Massive forest fire in Tenerife village of Spain (16.08.2023)
Forest fire on island of Tenerife, Spain; 3000 evacuated1 gads atpakaļ
Forest fire on island of Tenerife, Spain; 3000 evacuated
Spain- Massive forest fire in the Montaña Grande hill of Spain.1 gads atpakaļ
Spain- Massive forest fire in the Montaña Grande hill of Spain.
Morocco - in joint operations with Spain, BCIJ - DGST arrest ISIS supporter in Nador (and in Lerida, Spain), who were planning attacks in Europe facilitated by migrant smuggling networks1 gads atpakaļ
Morocco - in joint operations with Spain, BCIJ - DGST arrest ISIS supporter in Nador (and in Lerida, Spain), who were planning attacks in Europe facilitated by migrant smuggling networks
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Spānijas premjerministrs Sančess ieradies Kijevā, lai tiktos ar Ukrainas prezidentu Zelenski
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An armed man entrenches himself in a house in Seville
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Several people injured in shooting in Seville, Spain, police say, negotiations ongoing with suspect barricaded inside home
Spānijas premjerministrs Pedro Sančess: Es pateicos prezidentam Sji Dzjiņpinam par uzņemšanu šajā vēsturiskajā ceļojumā. Šī vizīte veicina mūsu divpusējās attiecības un stiprina sadarbību dažādu globālu izaicinājumu risināšanā. Mums ir bijusi arī atklāta diskusija par Krievijas agresiju pret Ukrainu.1 gads atpakaļ
Spānijas premjerministrs Pedro Sančess: Es pateicos prezidentam Sji Dzjiņpinam par uzņemšanu šajā vēsturiskajā ceļojumā. Šī vizīte veicina mūsu divpusējās attiecības un stiprina sadarbību dažādu globālu izaicinājumu risināšanā. Mums ir bijusi arī atklāta diskusija par Krievijas agresiju pret Ukrainu.
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Traffic is operating on a "stop and go" basis on Rosia Road while emergency services attend to a traffic accident. An @RGPolice spokesperson says the road will be fully reopened shortly
A vote of no confidence in the Spanish government of Pedro Sanchez was rejected
Kijevā ieradies Spānijas premjerministrs Pedro Sančess1 gads atpakaļ
Kijevā ieradies Spānijas premjerministrs Pedro Sančess
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Shots were fired in an incident at Eastern Beach involving Spanish Customs officers & suspected smugglers. One of the Spanish officers was reportedly seriously injured when a stone was thrown at his face. The police & army searched with metal detectors, we think for bullets
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An RGP operation has been ongoing at Eastern Beach following what appears to be an "incident" with a Spanish Customs vessel. There are reports shots were fired and GBC understands police have been searching the beach for any bullets
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Speech of the Moroccan Prime Minister during talks with his Spanish counterpart
A man with a criminal record kills his partner and her 8-year-old daughter in Valladolid. The perpetrator would have called his brother-in-law to notify him of the double murder perpetrated with a knife
ASV un Eiropas amatpersonām ir aizdomas, ka Krievijas izlūkdienesti lika etnonacionālistu grupai nosūtīt spridzekļus Spānijā valsts vadītājiem un ASV un Ukrainas diplomātiem.
Spanish police said Tuesday they had seized a boat carrying 4.4 tonnes of hashish off southern Spain and arrested its two British crew who were allegedly headed for Latin America
Spānijas mediji: sprāgstvielas pakas atklāšana Ukrainas vēstniecībā Madridē
Sestā vēstules bumba atklāta ASV vēstniecībā Madridē
Spānijas Aizsardzības ministrijā tiek konstatēta vēl viena aizdomīga paka
Spānijas iekšlietu ministrs dod rīkojumu pastiprināt drošības pasākumus sabiedriskajās un diplomātiskajās iestādēs pēc vairāku sprāgstvielu paku atklāšanas
Spānijas varas iestādes atklāj sprāgstvielu paku, kas adresēta Spānijas premjerministram Pedro Sančesam
Viņi atklāj jaunu aizdomīgu vēstuli, kas adresēta satelītu centram Torrehonas aviobāzē
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Spānija: Torrejonas de Ardozas militārajā bāzē pēc vēstuļu bumbām, kas tika nosūtītas Ukrainas vēstniecībai un ieroču uzņēmumam Saragosā, tika atklāta trešā sprāgstvielu pakete
Ukrainas Ārlietu ministrijas spoks @OlegNikolenko_ saka, ka aploksnē paslēpta sprāgstviela detonēta Ukrainas vēstniecībā Madridē. 1 darbinieks ievainots; nav dzīvībai bīstams. FM @DmytroKuleba pavēlēja pastiprināt drošību visās Ukrainas vēstniecībās, lūdza Spāniju steidzami izmeklēt sprādzienu