20 Rugsėjis 2024
The VOX party demands the immediate release of the Spanish journalist Cake Minuesa, detained in Venezuela
ABC of Spain: the US will sanction Maduro again if he illegally clings to power in Venezuela
Spanish justice summons Pedro Sánchez as a witness in the corruption case against his wife
1 mėnesį prieš
An arrestee for alleged rape in Malaga of a young foreigner in the doorway of her house
AFP: All Spanish airports suffer from a global information failure
Ukrainos prezidentas susitiko su Ispanijos premjeru Sanchezu ir Slovėnijos premjeru Golobu, pasirašytas Ukrainos ir Slovėnijos saugumo susitarimas2 mėnesį prieš
Ukrainos prezidentas susitiko su Ispanijos premjeru Sanchezu ir Slovėnijos premjeru Golobu, pasirašytas Ukrainos ir Slovėnijos saugumo susitarimas
2 mėnesį prieš
Police detained 4 suspects - 3 in Spain and 1 in Germany - as part of an investigation into the sale of drone parts to Hezbollah
2 mėnesį prieš
Documents found on body in Tenerife were Jay Slater's, say officials in latest update
Ispanija pristato Ukrainai naują karinį paketą, kurį sudaro 10 tankų Leopard 2A4 ir daug prieštankinių raketų
The Saudi Foreign Minister discusses with his Spanish counterpart developments in Gaza
Spain filed in the ICJ Registry a declaration of intervention in the case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (SouthAfrica v Israel)2 mėnesį prieš
Spain filed in the ICJ Registry a declaration of intervention in the case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (SouthAfrica v Israel)
Sánchez appeals to science to combat "denialist" politicians 24 hours after Milei's arrival
Madrid asks Ayuso via burofax not to award Milei with the International Medal
Spain will ask a U.N. court to join South Africa’s case accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza. Several non-European nations have already made the request
Ispanijos užsienio reikalų ministras: Ukrainoje neturime ginklų, kurie galėtų pasiekti Rusiją
Spanish Foreign Minister: All land crossings must be opened and aid must be delivered to the Gaza Strip
Spain parliament approves controversial Catalan amnesty bill
3 mėnesį prieš
Jordanian Foreign Minister: Spain's recognition of the Palestinian state is evidence of its desire for stability in the region
Spain's PM Sanchez: Spain will not recognise any changes to 1967 borders unless agreed by all parties - @Reuters
Sánchezas patvirtina Ispanijos „tvirtas įsipareigojimas" Ukrainai ir pabrėžia keletą sričių: Ukrainai bus suteikta gynybos priemonių. Humanitarinė, finansinė parama, pagalba rekonstrukcijai. Milijardo eurų karinis įsipareigojimas stiprinti savo pajėgumus
Zelenskis po susitikimo su Sánchezu Monklooje: "Ispanija yra patikima partnerė ir padėjo mums apsiginti nuo pirmosios Rusijos nusikalstamos agresijos dienos. Ispanija neužmerkė akių."
Ukrainos prezidentas Zelenskis lankėsi Ispanijoje
Ispanija tieks ginklų Ukrainai už daugiau nei 1,1 mlrd. Į jį bus įtraukta antra priešlėktuvinių raketų „Patriot" partija, kuri bus pridėta prie jau balandį tiektų pusšimčio, 19 atnaujintų „Leopard 2A4" tankų, didelė 155 milimetrų artilerijos sviedinių partija.
Spanish Defense Minister: The Gaza war is a real genocide
Israel's Netanyahu: Plan by some European countries to recognise a Palestinian state is prize for terrorism - @Reuters
The Israeli Foreign Ministry summons its ambassador to Madrid for consultations
4 mėnesį prieš
The Secretary-General of the Arab League calls on countries that do not recognize Palestine to follow the example of Norway, Ireland and Spain
4 mėnesį prieš
Arab League: The recognition of the State of Palestine by Norway, Ireland and Spain is a positive development
Ireland has now announced their Official Recognition of a Palestinian State, with Spain also said to be following the lead of Ireland and Norway on May 28th4 mėnesį prieš
Ireland has now announced their Official Recognition of a Palestinian State, with Spain also said to be following the lead of Ireland and Norway on May 28th
Spanish Prime Minister: Netanyahu continues to destroy Gaza