19 Îlon 2024
13 dead after fire at nightclub in Murcia, Spain
Puigdemont offers to Sánchez to facilitate his investiture, forgetting about the amnesty if the PSOE leader publicly recognizes that "Bola de Drac is much better in Catalan"
1 year ago
Massive floods due to intense rains in the Guadamur of Toledo province, Spain
A number of injuries were recorded among British tourists after a cruise ship, which was carrying them, collided with a cargo ship on the Spanish island of Mallorca, located in the Mediterranean Sea, as a result of the severe storms that hit the island.
Spain- The Arafo fire is  of control and already affects more than more then 800 hectares in Tenerife. Mass evacuations are happening.1 year ago
Spain- The Arafo fire is of control and already affects more than more then 800 hectares in Tenerife. Mass evacuations are happening.
Spanish island of Tenerife  - The Arafo fire is  out of control  and already affects more than 800 hectares in Tenerife.1 year ago
Spanish island of Tenerife - The Arafo fire is out of control and already affects more than 800 hectares in Tenerife.
Massive forest fire in Tenerife village of Spain  (16.08.2023) Spain1 year ago
Massive forest fire in Tenerife village of Spain (16.08.2023) Spain
Massive forest fire in Tenerife village of Spain  (16.08.2023)1 year ago
Massive forest fire in Tenerife village of Spain (16.08.2023)
Forest fire on island of Tenerife, Spain; 3000 evacuated1 year ago
Forest fire on island of Tenerife, Spain; 3000 evacuated
Spain- Massive forest fire in the Montaña Grande hill of Spain.1 year ago
Spain- Massive forest fire in the Montaña Grande hill of Spain.
Morocco - in joint operations with Spain, BCIJ - DGST arrest ISIS supporter in Nador (and in Lerida, Spain), who were planning attacks in Europe facilitated by migrant smuggling networks1 year ago
Morocco - in joint operations with Spain, BCIJ - DGST arrest ISIS supporter in Nador (and in Lerida, Spain), who were planning attacks in Europe facilitated by migrant smuggling networks
1 year ago
Serokwezîrê Îspanya Sanchez ji bo ku bi Serokomarê Ukraynayê Zelensky re hevdîtin bike çû Kîevê
1 year ago
An armed man entrenches himself in a house in Seville
1 year ago
Several people injured in shooting in Seville, Spain, police say, negotiations ongoing with suspect barricaded inside home
Serokwezîrê Spanyayê Pedro Sanchez: Ez spasiya Serok Xi Jinping dikim ji bo pêşwazîkirina wî di vê gera dîrokî de. Ev serdan têkiliyên me yên dualî geştir dike û hevkariyê li ser pirsgirêkên cihêreng ên cîhanî xurt dike. Me her wiha danûstendineke eşkere li ser êrîşa Rûsyayê ya li dijî Ukraynayê kir.
1 year ago
Traffic is operating on a "stop and go" basis on Rosia Road while emergency services attend to a traffic accident. An @RGPolice spokesperson says the road will be fully reopened shortly
A vote of no confidence in the Spanish government of Pedro Sanchez was rejected
Serokwezîrê Spanyayê Pedro Sanchez gihîşte Kyivê1 year ago
Serokwezîrê Spanyayê Pedro Sanchez gihîşte Kyivê
1 year ago
Shots were fired in an incident at Eastern Beach involving Spanish Customs officers & suspected smugglers. One of the Spanish officers was reportedly seriously injured when a stone was thrown at his face. The police & army searched with metal detectors, we think for bullets
1 year ago
An RGP operation has been ongoing at Eastern Beach following what appears to be an "incident" with a Spanish Customs vessel. There are reports shots were fired and GBC understands police have been searching the beach for any bullets
1 year ago
Speech of the Moroccan Prime Minister during talks with his Spanish counterpart
A man with a criminal record kills his partner and her 8-year-old daughter in Valladolid. The perpetrator would have called his brother-in-law to notify him of the double murder perpetrated with a knife
Karbidestên Amerîkî û Ewropî guman dikin ku îstixbarata Rûsî rê daye komeke etno-neteweperest ku bombeyan li Spanyayê bişîne ji rêberên wir û dîplomatên Amerîkî û Ukrayna re.
Spanish police said Tuesday they had seized a boat carrying 4.4 tonnes of hashish off southern Spain and arrested its two British crew who were allegedly headed for Latin America
Medya Îspanî: dîtina pakêteke teqemenî li balyozxaneya Ukraynayê li Madrîdê
Li Balyozxaneya Amerîkayê ya li Madrîdê nameyek-bombeya şeşemîn hat dîtin
Li Wezareta Parastinê ya Spanyayê pakêteke din a bi guman tê dîtin
Wezîrê Karên Hundir ê Spanyayê piştî ku çend pakêtên teqemenî hatin dîtin, ferman da ku tedbîrên ewlehiyê li saziyên giştî û dîplomatîk werin tund kirin.
Rayedarên Îspanyayê pakêteke teqemeniyê ya ku ji Serokwezîrê Îspanya Pedro Sanchez re hatibû şandin, tespît kirin
Ew nameyek nû ya gumanbar ku ji navenda satelîtê re li baregeha hewayî ya Torrejón hatî şandin, kifş dikin