18 Janvier 2025
Incendies: l'odeur des forêts brûlées au Portugal parvient à Madrid
Spanish firefighters on Saturday struggled to contain wildfires that have ravaged large tracts in the northwest, as a third summer heat wave grips the country
Spain prosecutors call for eight-year prison sentence for Shakira over tax fraud
2 année il y a
.@RGPolice confirms that road between Both Worlds and mosque will remain closed this afternoon and overnight due to fire, with situation to be reassessed in morning
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Gas supply from Algeria to Spain suspended due to a breakdown
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Death toll from heatwave in Portugal and Spain rises to 1,750, according to new figures
A heat wave in Europe is hiking up temperatures in Spain and France to record levels2 année il y a
A heat wave in Europe is hiking up temperatures in Spain and France to record levels
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Spain: Train services suspended between Madrid and Galicia due to fires in Zamora province
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Multiple accident in Sagunto: a driver arrested for two reckless homicides and driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages
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A woman has been arrested on suspicion of Driving with Alcohol Concentration over the Limit. It follows a collision on Rosia Road on Sunday morning
Brutal arrest during protest against rise of electricity costs in Seville, Spain2 année il y a
Brutal arrest during protest against rise of electricity costs in Seville, Spain
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Several fire units work on the Venta del Moro fire (Valencia). The Generalitat hopes to give it this Thursday as stabilized
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.@RGPolice investigating serious sexual incident on Rosia Road last night involving young teenage girl and two teenage boys
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A section of La Bateria on Rosia Road has been cordoned off as @RGPolice investigate an incident - more details expected shortly
Madrid Municipal Police: Agents of the UIDCarabanchel detain three men as alleged perpetrators of a fire inside a workshop, resulting in serious injuries, being assisted and transferred by SAMUR, firefighters also intervening at the scene
2 année il y a
Fire by Eroski car park sees wooden pallets ablaze; GFRS and AFRS deployed
Seville: protest against the death of thirty immigrants in the assault on the Melilla border fence2 année il y a
Seville: protest against the death of thirty immigrants in the assault on the Melilla border fence
Spain to lobby NATO to pay more attention to security threats on its southern flank when the military alliance gathers for a summit in Madrid later this week
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Over 400 migrants storm border fence in Spain's Melilla enclave
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The European Union: We are assessing the implications of Algeria's actions on Spain
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Spanish-European talks in Brussels on the Madrid crisis with Algeria
6 young people arrested after the brutal attack with machetes in Tetouan on a boy who wanted to leave the Trinitarians
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Customs and Fire & Rescue Service Officers attended a 2 day Critical Stress Debrief Course as part of Mental Health training. This involves a group meeting/discussion about a critical incident or traumatic event to encourage sharing experiences in a safe & supportive environment
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Two deceased and three seriously injured after overturning a bus on the road that connects the Sevillian towns of Pedrera and La Roda de Andalucía
Le blogueur pro-russe Anatoliy Shariy a été arrêté en Espagne2 année il y a
Le blogueur pro-russe Anatoliy Shariy a été arrêté en Espagne
Algeria has threatened to cut off natural gas supplies to Spain if the latter transfers the gas to a third party, according to APS
2 année il y a
Germany, Portugal, Spain leaders urge French to back Macron
PM Sanchez : Ému de voir l'horreur et les atrocités de la guerre de Poutine dans les rues de Borodyanka. Nous ne laisserons pas le peuple ukrainien seul2 année il y a
PM Sanchez : Ému de voir l'horreur et les atrocités de la guerre de Poutine dans les rues de Borodyanka. Nous ne laisserons pas le peuple ukrainien seul
2 année il y a
Le corps de Sergey Protosenya, vice-président du géant gazier russe Novatek, a été retrouvé pendu mardi à son domicile sur la Costa Brava espagnole. Sa femme et sa fille ont été retrouvées dans un lit à proximité, mortes de coups de couteau
2 année il y a
Le Premier ministre espagnol Pedro Sánchez est arrivé à Kyiv pour rencontrer le président Zelensky