8 Julio 2024
1 mes atrás
Jordanian Foreign Minister: Spain's recognition of the Palestinian state is evidence of its desire for stability in the region
Spain's PM Sanchez: Spain will not recognise any changes to 1967 borders unless agreed by all parties - @Reuters
Sánchez confirma el "firme compromiso" de España con Ucrania y destaca varias áreas: Se proveerá a Ucrania de instrumentos para su defensa. Apoyo humanitario, financiero, ayuda a la reconstrucción. Compromiso militar de mil millones de euros para reforzar sus capacidades
Volodímir Zelenski, tras reunirse con Sánchez en Moncloa: "España es un socio fiable y nos ha ayudado a defendernos desde el primer día de la agresión criminal rusa. España no cerró los ojos".
El presidente de Ucrania, Zelenskyi, llegó de visita a España
España suministrará armas a Ucrania por más de 1.100 millones de euros. Incluirá un segundo lote de misiles antiaéreos Patriot, que se sumarán a la media docena ya suministrada en abril, 19 tanques Leopard 2A4 reacondicionados y un gran lote de proyectiles de artillería de 155 milímetros.
Spanish Defense Minister: The Gaza war is a real genocide
Israel's Netanyahu: Plan by some European countries to recognise a Palestinian state is prize for terrorism - @Reuters
The Israeli Foreign Ministry summons its ambassador to Madrid for consultations
1 mes atrás
The Secretary-General of the Arab League calls on countries that do not recognize Palestine to follow the example of Norway, Ireland and Spain
1 mes atrás
Arab League: The recognition of the State of Palestine by Norway, Ireland and Spain is a positive development
Ireland has now announced their Official Recognition of a Palestinian State, with Spain also said to be following the lead of Ireland and Norway on May 28th
Spanish Prime Minister: Netanyahu continues to destroy Gaza
Javier Milei: Argentina no adoptará medidas diplomáticas en reciprocidad ante "la payasada" de Pedro Sánchez
Spain 'definitively' withdraws ambassador to Argentina: foreign minister
España pide a Milei que rectifique, llama a consultas a la embajadora en Buenos Aires y exige disculpa pública
Spain ministry confirms 3 tourists killed in Afghanistan were Spanish
EU's foreign minister says Spain, Ireland and other European Union member countries plan to recognise a Palestinian state on May 21, ahead of an expected UN vote today on a Palestinian bid to become a full member
Spain PM Sanchez will stay in office, after considering resigning over an investigation of his wife
Spanish PM Sanchez to announce at 1000 GMT if he is quitting: official
Alberto Núñez Feijóo comparece en la sede del PP tras el anuncio de Sánchez de meditar su dimisión
Spanish Prime Minister @sanchezcastejon says Israel's "disproportionate" response in Gaza threatens the stability of the Middle East and the world
Spanish Prime Minister: Recognizing a Palestinian state is a "geopolitical interest for Europe"
Prime Minister of Spain: Israel must clarify the circumstances of the attack on World Kitchen employees as soon as possible
El presidente de Ucrania, Zelenskyy, mantuvo una conversación telefónica constructiva y significativa con el primer ministro del Reino de España, Pedro Sánchez3 mes atrás
El presidente de Ucrania, Zelenskyy, mantuvo una conversación telefónica constructiva y significativa con el primer ministro del Reino de España, Pedro Sánchez
Spain has agreed with Ireland, Malta and Slovenia leaders to take the first steps towards recognizing a Palestinian state, PM Sanchez said on Friday following a meeting of the European Council in Brussels
3 mes atrás
Agence France-Presse: A Spanish aid ship was spotted off Gaza City
Spain's prime minister says he will propose that parliament recognizes a Palestinian state
Concentración de tractores y agricultores en el Centro de Madrid
Agricultores denuncian que no dejan salir de Torrejón de la Calzada