22 فبراير 2025
2 سنة منذ
الاتحاد الأوروبي: نعمل على تقييم تداعيات الإجراءات الجزائرية بشأن إسبانيا
2 سنة منذ
مباحثات إسبانية ـ أوروبية في بروكسل حول أزمة مدريد مع الجزائر
6 young people arrested after the brutal attack with machetes in Tetouan on a boy who wanted to leave the Trinitarians
2 سنة منذ
Customs and Fire & Rescue Service Officers attended a 2 day Critical Stress Debrief Course as part of Mental Health training. This involves a group meeting/discussion about a critical incident or traumatic event to encourage sharing experiences in a safe & supportive environment
2 سنة منذ
Two deceased and three seriously injured after overturning a bus on the road that connects the Sevillian towns of Pedrera and La Roda de Andalucía
اعتقل المدون المؤيد لروسيا أناتولي شاري في إسبانيا2 سنة منذ
اعتقل المدون المؤيد لروسيا أناتولي شاري في إسبانيا
Algeria has threatened to cut off natural gas supplies to Spain if the latter transfers the gas to a third party, according to APS
2 سنة منذ
Germany, Portugal, Spain leaders urge French to back Macron
رئيس الوزراء سانشيز: تحركت لرؤية فظائع حرب بوتين والفظائع في شوارع بورودينكا. لن نترك الشعب الأوكراني وشأنه2 سنة منذ
رئيس الوزراء سانشيز: تحركت لرؤية فظائع حرب بوتين والفظائع في شوارع بورودينكا. لن نترك الشعب الأوكراني وشأنه
2 سنة منذ
تم العثور على جثة سيرجي بروتوسينيا ، نائب رئيس شركة نوفاتيك الروسية العملاقة للغاز ، مشنوقة في منزله في كوستا برافا الإسبانية يوم الثلاثاء. وعثر على زوجته وابنته في سرير قريب ، ميتين متأثرين بطعنات
2 سنة منذ
وصل رئيس الوزراء الإسباني بيدرو سانشيز إلى كييف للقاء الرئيس زيلينسكي
The National Police arrest the President of the RFEF, Luis Rubiales
وزير الخارجية الإسباني: الهجوم على محطة كراماتورسك انتهاك صارخ للقانون الدولي هدفه معاقبة المدنيين
A young Ukrainian refugee dies after suffering a brutal traffic accident in Valencia. He had escaped from the war in his country and was preparing the papers to get married
2 سنة منذ
A 51-year-old man is arrested for the death of his mother in Barcelona. The agents have found signs of criminality when they have arrived at the apartment alerted by a call from the arrested person
2 سنة منذ
Zelensky asks Spain for help "with weapons and sanctions" and compares what happened in Ukraine with "April 1937" and the bombing of Guernica
2 سنة منذ
Spain expels 25 Russian diplomats for considering them "a threat"
US seizes yacht in Spain owned by a Russian oligarch with close ties to Putin as part of recent sanctions enforcement, reports @AP
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Firefighters rescue the body of a man surrounded by bees in Mallorca
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Officers and civilian staff at the Royal Gibraltar Police helped raise £85 for Wear a Hat Day this morning at New Mole House. The event raises awareness and money for the UK based charity Brain Tumour Research
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RGP officers and civilian staff dressed in blue to show support for Childline's Blue Week
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The judge agrees to provisional prison for the leader and two other detainees from the police operation against an alleged sect in a farmhouse in Vistabella
2 سنة منذ
Access to Gibraltar affected by lorry drivers strike this morning. Protesters have upped the ante, claiming they are being ignored by a government that does not want to talk to them
2 سنة منذ
Access to Gibraltar affected by lorry drivers strike this morning. Protesters have upped the anti claiming they are being ignored by a government that does not want to talk to them
One month of operation against youth gangs in Madrid: 18,087 identified, 171 arrested, 92 seized weapons and 984 records for drugs
إسبانيا تحتجز مؤقتا يختا بقيمة 140 مليون دولار يعود لأحد الأثرياء الروس
A young man arrested for assaulting and threatening to kill his sister and trying to take his pistol from a police officer in Ciudad Lineal Madrid
2 سنة منذ
RGP recruits learn how to do vehicle stops. With the help of a few 'actors,' they've been practising how to use a speed gun, roadside breathalysers and how to deal with drink and drug drivers. The officers are now in their 9th week of training and due to hit the streets in June
وزيرة الدفاع الإسبانية: شحنة الأسلحة لأوكرانيا تتكون من 1370 قاذفة قنابل يدوية مضادة للدبابات ورشاشات خفيفة
"Putin, fascist, great terrorist", sounds from Madrid. Protest against the war in Ukraine